The Beauty of What Remains

Many of you know I helped my dear doxie, Cocoa, make her transition two weeks ago. Thank you for your words and actions of support. Kindness truly matters.

Create the Greatest Love Story Ever

I’m all for marriage and romance and sharing life with another, yet as I grow older and wiser, I know a deep truth. The most amazing love we can experience is to be present to the love of our inner Divine, Holy Spirit, God or whatever you choose to call it.

Talking The Talk

We often hear the question “Are they walking the talk” meaning are they living into and modeling the ideals they say they want to see in themselves and others. Or are they just speaking about what they want and living in a very different way than what they say?

Love Brings The Harmony

A Man Called OttoI am inviting each of you to watch the new movie with Tom Hanks called A Man Called Otto, playing now in theatres. It’s like going to a two-hour class on the power of love.

I Have More Than A Dream

I invited us on Sunday to listen to our inner divine voice for the dream that wants to be expressed through your love. I believe that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke the truth when he said “Hatred and bitterness can never cure the disease of fear; only love can do that. Hatred paralyzes life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”

Starting Off The Year In Christ Consciousness

I am sharing two prayers from Joel Osteen to complement the work we did with life visioning, burning bowl, and white stone. Please use as needed.

Closing The Year 2022

We have a fantastic opportunity for you to bring in the New Year with fellow Unity of Bon Air folks, helping to take down the Holiday decorations on Sunday after the service. Many hands make light work.

Christmas Is Not A One Day Event

Merry Christmas!  I am sharing a few sentences from A Course In Miracles. Christmas is not a one-day event, but something we choose daily - to be awake to the truth of who we are. “I am God’s expression, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of God’s love.

Christmas Is Not A One Day Event

Holiday BlessingI am sharing a few sentences from A Course In Miracles. Christmas is not a one-day event, but something we choose daily - to be awake to the truth of who we are. “I am God’s expression, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of God’s love.

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