Below are messages and prayers used by your Unity of Bon Air prayer chaplains in 2022 as they made their monthly contacts. Use them in your daily prayer and meditation time and enjoy!
Prayer Treasures

Prayers for Peace from Unity of Bon Air World Day of Prayer Service on 09/07/2022
Celtic prayer
Peace between nations,
Peace between neighbors,
Peace between lovers,
In love of the God of life.
Affirmations Used by Your Unity of Bon Air Prayer Chaplains
I know that only good will come from this.
I listen to my heart and find the answer.
God’s love works in me and through me.
I am centered and poised in the Christ Mind and nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.
From the Unity booklet: Always Here for You – The Prayers of Silent Unity
No belief in lack has power over me. Faith makes all things possible. Standing in faith, I expect the good that can be.
I heal my thoughts as I hold in mind the vision of my wholeness and vitality. I heal my life as I claim that I am one with God, one with divine life. Right now, I hold in mind a vision of well-being, appreciating the power of life as vitality and wholeness.
A recent message from Silent Unity for Unity of Bon Air:
"Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." These words came to mind when we heard from you recently. They convey the essence of affirmative prayer and remind us of the power of faith.
As you pray, hold positive thoughts for the people you are concerned about. Expect right and perfect answers as you affirm wholeness, peace, wisdom, protection, abundance or any needed good. Knowing that the presence of God within is the source of infinite good, we join you in prayer for all who have requested prayer. Please unite your thoughts with ours as we affirm:
"God is your source of infinite blessings. You are filled with faith as you open to your good."
“Prayer as communion with the divine is difficult to characterize because it comes in so many shapes, colors, and flavors depending on the religio-cultural lenses acquired while growing up… Prayer could be talking or thinking or dancing or singing; it could be chanting while working a trade, or playing a musical instrument with no words involved.”
Thomas Shepherd, The Many Faces of Prayer
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing affright you,
All things are passing,
God never changes,
Patient endurance attains all things,
God alone suffices.
St. Teresa of Avila
“Prayer, as Jesus Christ understood and used it, is communion with God; the communion of the child with his or her Father; the splendid confidential talks of the son or daughter with the Father. This communion is an attitude of mind and heart … Sometimes I have written a letter to God when I have wanted to be sure that something would have divine consideration ad love and attention. I have written the letter, and laid it away, in the assurance that the eyes of the loving and all-wise Father were seeing my letter and knowing my heart and working to find ways to bless me and help me grow.”
Myrtle Fillmore, from Myrtle Fillmore’s Healing Letters
From the Handbook of Positive Prayer by Hypatia Hasbrouck:
“Faithful use of (daily prayer) benefits us greatly because (it) helps keep our conscious thoughts positive and in harmony with the activity of God. We expect good experiences and relationships, speak and act in ways that brings them about, and look for the good that underlies apparently negative situations. Yet, as positively as we may consciously think, speak, and act, we have challenges. Jesus said they would come when he told the disciples, “In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Whatever other meaning we can discern in these words, one meaning is that the teachings of Jesus equip his followers to meet successfully the challenges of earthly life. He taught them to deny power to the evil they might encounter and to affirm Truth, God’s providing and protecting presence.”
From the Handbook of Positive Prayer by Hypatia Hasbrouck:
The daily prayer pattern advocates the use of affirmations to help you respond positively to specific situations. Suggested affirmations for…
The Lord goes before me, making easy and safe my way.
There is but one Presence and on Power – God, the good.
Wherever I am, God is with me.
I am safe in the everlasting arms of God.
I now release you (this situation, this belief); I loose you (it); I let you (it) go; and I let God have God’s perfect way with you (it).
I let go and I let God.
I place you (this situation) lovingly in God’s hands.
Spiritual Growth
Moment by moment, step by step, my indwelling Lord transforms me into a living, loving expression of the image and likeness of God.