Rev. Alva’s points on Sunday were so simple and profound. Stay curious, keep asking questions and when in the midst of circumstances that we wish were different - look for the good. Where is the good in this? Rev. Joyce taught us to pray “I can’t wait to see what great good will come from this.”
I would like to put a plug in for midweek activities at UBA. Barbie does Chair Yoga at 11:00 a.m., which is great for the body and the mind. At 12:00 noon, we have group meditation in the sanctuary; there is guided meditation and silence, followed by sharing lunch together with whatever we bring.
I am sharing what was on my Louise Hay calendar for the month of July. May it bless you. It reflects what we have been pondering on Sundays. “Before me lies the totality of possibilities in every area of my life.
As we move toward a holiday weekend celebrating freedom, I invite us to let the appreciation for all that we have rise up within and lift our vibrations. We get to make choices on many levels because of where we live. Admittedly, our country is polarized, yet that is an invitation for us to be the presence of peace and a voice for the dignity of each person.
I will be starting a series this Sunday on the book, The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn.
We welcome our new slate of officers to serve on the Board: we are grateful for their willingness to serve for this next year.
- Zita Correl, President
- Mike Regulinski, Vice-President
- Myra Federspiel, Treasurer
- Amy Fulcher-Davis, Secretary
So, I'm back in the saddle and things are rocking. I want to acknowledge all those who kept things flowing with beautiful services on Sunday, helped with Ellie's party, visited the sick, did meditations on Wednesdays, and saw to all the details of the life of a congregation that has much going on.
“The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything.” - Julian of Norwich
For most people it seems easy to feel a sense of awe when in nature. I think we go from thinking to being - to experiencing awe, wonder, beauty, and feeling connected.
It is so delightful to be here during the week and see and hear the children’s laughter both inside and outside the building. This past week I was washing something in the kitchen while Amanda was making popcorn with a hot air popper in New-Rock Hall.