Christmas Is Not A One Day Event

Merry Christmas!  I am sharing a few sentences from A Course In Miracles. Christmas is not a one-day event, but something we choose daily - to be awake to the truth of who we are. “I am God’s expression, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of God’s love.

Christmas Is Not A One Day Event

Holiday BlessingI am sharing a few sentences from A Course In Miracles. Christmas is not a one-day event, but something we choose daily - to be awake to the truth of who we are. “I am God’s expression, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of God’s love.

Remembering So Much Love

Since we put our loved ones' names on the tree on Sunday, I thought it would be sweet to remember specifically members of Unity of Bon Air whose physical form departed this year.

Peace Continues

I am continuing the Advent peace theme with this quote from Robert Fulghum: “Peace is not something you wish for. It is something you make, something you are, something you do, and something you give away.”

Make Your Bed, Change The World

Parties, Caroling, Presents - the holidays are here! I am sharing a beautiful idea from Eric Butterworth today to help us keep our balance as the holiday schedule kicks in, and it may be so wonderful that we want to continue to practice it. “Do two things before anything else. Make up your bed and make up your mind.

The Lavish Abundance of Open Heartedness

Here’s to the lavish abundance in our lives. I have spent all day attending the Unity Eastern Region Conference and we spent time connecting and sharing first thing.

A World Where Each Is Valued

A bit more wisdom from Shariff Abdullah. In order to create a world that works for all we have to move beyond Exclusive Communities and create Inclusive Communities.

No Limitations

I spoke on Sunday about our thoughts create possibilities and impossibilities. WE are sourced by a limitless love with limitless possibilities. Here is a poem that came to me as I spent 2 hours in stillness out in nature amidst trees. I thought it may speak to you.

No Obstacles to Bar Your Way

I read this powerful statement from A Course in Miracles and wanted to share it.

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