May 22, 2022

Affirmations Used by Your Unity of Bon Air Prayer Chaplains

I know that only good will come from this.

I listen to my heart and find the answer.

God’s love works in me and through me.

I am centered and poised in the Christ Mind and nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.

I am radiant with life and vitality.

My life is filled with beauty, goodness, and the love of Spirit.

Peace be still.

The good I seek is seeking me.

I have all that I need and I know that I always will.

I choose positivity and possibility.

I am creative. My life is a work of art.

I am the light of the world.

Wherever God is I AM.

Divine wisdom lights my path and guides me.

Mighty streams of light and love surround me.

I practice supreme patience and enjoy the blessings in my life in every moment.

I listen to my heart and the answer appears.

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