Prayer Treasures

December 20, 2021

Let Christ Be Born
By Dorothy Pierson
There is an infant Christ in all…
An infant birth of love,
An infant birth of faith,
Just the tiniest beginning point of light that glimpses the Christmas story.
It draws deep from the soul
In music of the season
So beyond reason and
That night of wonder!
As the shepherds heard and saw
I, like the, in awe
View the infant Christ in me.

In me! Imagine the audacity!
It had to be a stable lowly—
I could not see myself holy
Except as a tiny newborn babe.
The mystic Star shines bright
And I, so encompassed in its light,
Let the warmth and healing Truth
Of that Christmas night enfold me.
I kneel
In adoration real
At my Christ’s birth.

December 6, 2021

From the Handbook of Positive Prayer by Hypatia Hasbrouck:

The daily prayer pattern advocates the use of affirmations to help you respond positively to specific situations. Suggested affirmations for…


God gives me good judgment. I know what to do and I do it.

I judge righteously in the light of Truth.


I am God’s beloved, lovable, loving child.

Through God’s love in my heart, I am one with you, and you are one with me.


Divine order is established in me and in this situation.

Divine love establishes divine order in all that concerns me.

November 29, 2021

A recent message from Silent Unity:

When you are concerned about another, your quiet moments of spiritual communion with God fill your mind and heart with peace and assure you of right results. The spirit of God is active in every situation and in every person you pray for, revealing the highest good. United in this truth, we are praying with you for all of those you wish to bless. Let us affirm together:

"The spirit of God within is your source of abundance, wisdom, vitality, and peace. You are provided for in every needed way."

November 22, 2021

Thanksgiving prayers from (CLICK HERE to read more):

I Am: An Affirmation for Mealtime

I am thankful, grateful, and blessed for the people in my life.
I am thankful, grateful, and blessed for the purpose in my life.
I am thankful, grateful, and blessed for the joy in my life.
I am thankful, grateful, and blessed every day of my life.

—Lila Herrmann

Grateful for the Food of Body and Soul

In prayer, we join our hearts and minds in a vast field of gratitude—thankful for this food, those who produced it, those who prepared it, and for friends and family with whom we share it. We are immensely grateful for this bounty that feeds our bodies and these cherished friends who feed our souls.

—Rev. Paul Hasselbeck

Prayer of Thanks

We acknowledge God as the source of our supply.
We give thanks for this food as just one manifestation of our abundant good.
We bless the loving hands of those who prepared this wonderful meal for us.

—Rev. Michael Jamison

Table for One

Today, I am grateful for all the blessings that used to be,
For the ones that surround me right now and
The space of possibility within me.
For this meal, may it serve to nourish my body, and
For the blessings in my life, thank you!
At this table for one,
I am in the good company of my soul and for that
I am grateful. Blessed be!

—Rev. Kathy Beasley

November 15, 2021

From the Handbook of Positive Prayer by Hypatia Hasbrouck:

The daily prayer pattern advocates the use of affirmations to help you respond positively to specific situations. Suggested affirmations for…


Divine love establishes understanding, joy, and peace in my heart (your heart, this situation, the hearts of all concerned).


God’s healing life flows through me now, restoring me (my arm, my feet, my eyes, and so on) to wholeness and perfection.


The joy of God fills my heart and mind right now.

As a child of God, happiness is my heritage.

November 8, 2021

A prayer from Unity of Bon Air Prayer Chaplain, Dottie Klammer:

Divine Presence,

When I have the doldrums.... When I don’t have a sense of purpose, I remember that somewhere inside I have the power of zeal or enthusiasm. It is innate. It is mine. With this knowledge I see outside of myself. I see what is mine to do. My action doesn’t have to be complicated. I don’t have to move mountains. It can be as simple as smiling at a stranger or a kind word. Just one small gesture can begin the flow of love that moves from God to me and to the world. We are all One. One small gesture can make a big difference in someone’s life. We are powerful beyond measure and don’t have to move mountains. We simply have to bloom where we are planted. And so it is.

Affirmation: I claim my power of zest. With enthusiasm I bloom where I’ve been planted.

November 1, 2021

From Unity of Bon Air Prayer Chaplain, Stephanie Metzger:

Dear Sweet Spirit

I bless the creator of seed and harvest

And I bless each living being in my life

I am grateful for the beauty of this world

And all the love that created it

I am a blessing of love

Today and all days

And so it is!

October 18, 2021

From the Handbook of Positive Prayer by Hypatia Hasbrouck:

“In the practice of positive prayer, we deliberately choose thoughts that focus on the good we desire rather than on the loss, lack, or limitation we may be experiencing. In prayer, we learn to avoid thinking or speaking about unwanted conditions and to concentrate upon the perfect outcome of challenges.”

From Psalms 139:7-10:

“Whither shall I go from thy Spirit?

Or wither shall I flee from thy presence?

If I ascend to heaven, thou art there!

If I make my bed in Sheol, thou art there!

If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there thy hand shall lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.”

October 11, 2021

from the Handbook of Positive Prayer by Hypatia Hasbrouck:

“If we are to pray constantly, our thoughts must always be consonant with the mind of God who dwells within us.

Positive prayer, then, is more than deliberate, conscious communication with God for some specific purpose (although it certainly is that). Positive prayer is the way to form a permanent attitude of mind that reflects the eternal, benevolent activity of God so that we may truly express our nature as the children of God, created in God’s image to express God’s likeness here on Earth.”

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