Tuning In To The Four P's

Tuning In To The Four P's

For the first part of the year, we will be allowing these four gifts to be in our consciousness and to demonstrate in our lives – Prosperity, Presence, Power, and Peace. We start this Sunday thinking about prosperity, and it will encompass more than the financial piece. Prosperity has to do with every part of our lives. Edward Hayes has agreed to teach Edwene Gaines' book on four Thursday nights in February. It will be energizing and fun learning together.

Our presence is a gift to the world. We will look at how powerful our love and listening can be and how self-expression and creativity create a glorious presence. We are beings of power because the One Power dwells within each of us. We will remember anew to tune into the truth of our beings and the Christ within. The power available to each of us is limitless. When we get in the present moment and align with our hearts, peace is the result. It is an amazing gift to come from peace and dwell in peace amid the circumstances of our lives. Change is the one constant, yet peace is always an option.

I am looking forward to reveling in these four P’s and discovering together how to return to them with awareness and clarity in and through each day. Love is the foundation on which all Unity teachings rest. We will be grounded in love as we do this exploration. I am claiming we now release the gold mine within us as we welcome a mighty awakening of prosperity, presence, power and peace in 2025.

Click below to enjoy Daniel Nahmod’s song Everything New.

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