I love Rev. Eric Butterworth’s translation of the Lord’s Prayer. I hope this will feed your soul as it does mine. Our thoughts are prayers and we are always praying. May these thoughts joyfully lift your consciousness to the One Presence and One Power.
Our Father who art in Heaven: I am now conscious of the infinite and eternal presence in whom I love and by which I think and create.
Hallowed be thy name: This presence in me is whole and complete. It is the activity of health that heals, of intelligence that inspires, of substance that prospers, and of love that harmonizes.
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in Heaven: I am God’s glorious possibility and I now let His perfect idea of me unfold in me and through me. My desire for betterment is God’s desire to perfect that which He is expressing as me and I intend to let Him have His way, seeing myself as doing that which He sees me as being.
Give us this day our daily bread: I have no existence outside of God’s presence, for I am that presence, expressing as me. Therefore I can never be separated from the all-sufficient substance of the opulent universe. I claim my divine inheritance and I daily, perpetually, manifest abundant supply.
Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors: The presence in me is my potential for dissolving all conflicts of transgression. The presence is love, and it loves in me and through me as love; it forgives in me and through me as I forgive; it releases me as I loosen and let go of all my limited thoughts about myself and others.
Leave us not in temptation but deliver us from evil: The presence in me is my light and my deliverance. There is no darkness in the light and there can be no darkness in me when I am established in spiritual unity with the presence within which is better than light and safer than the known way.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and glory forever. Amen: In all that I seek to be or do or have, I humbly recognize that in the presence is my own power to think, my very aspirations, my will to commence, my strength to keep on, my power to achieve, and the glory of my accomplishment. This is the truth, it is now done. So be it.
© 1975 by Eric Butterworth
Joy to you in your prayer time,
Rev. Patty