Release – The Power to Come Back to Love Again and Again

Release – The Power to Come Back to Love Again and Again

I spoke about the incredible book, Radical Forgiveness, on Sunday. It’s one way to release and change our lives. Another similar option is from Florence Shinn. She tells stories of release in her books. She calls it casting the burden on the Christ within.

One woman was holding resentment. She said, “I cast the burden of resentment on the Christ within and I go free to be loving, harmonious and happy.”  The result - she was flooded with love and her whole life changed. Resentment had her in a state of torment for years and now she could stand in love. This is dramatic stuff.  We are breaking old patterns. When we catch ourselves in error, we turn to truth over and over until the truth sets us free.

Release is about recognizing the thought that blocks our good, and we cast it into the space of love-our Christ consciousness. It is an allowing and a willingness to move past ego thinking to Christ mind.  If we have a sense of separation or a victim mentality, something needs releasing. Love does not judge, shame or blame.

Breathe, release, and remember truth. Repeat!

May we discover the power within to live in liberation, love and peace. The truth of who we are is love. How grand is that? We are spiritual beings growing, expanding and becoming more Christ-like as we walk the human/divine path.

Let us affirm love’s presence and allow all else to fall away.

Peace, Joy and Love,
Rev. Patty

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