As we celebrate Teddy Bear Sunday, we continue celebrating the power of love. We will have 2 parts that include celebrating Black History Month. One is a surprise and Yemajah will be sharing an original poem for the other piece. To finish the celebration we will gather around the imaginary picnic tables inside New-Rock Hall and behold the Christ in one another. Much to enjoy.
Charles Fillmore reminds us that “It is the law of Spirit that we must be that which we would draw to us. If we would draw to us love, we must be love, be loving and kind; if we would have peace and harmony in our environment, we must establish it within ourselves.” As we celebrate Valentine’s Day this week may we be the love and peace we wish to experience in the world. We do not yet behold a world where everyone recognizes we are brothers and sisters AND we hold this vision and step into it action by action, choice by choice. We know the truth, we are one.
With great love and peace,
Rev. Patty