I have not mentioned self-love during this month of love and it is oh so important. When our tanks are empty, it is difficult to stay out of exhaustion and ego and in the Christ mind. We must create our own boundaries for our care. No one else is doing this for us. It is our responsibility. I get this lesson repeatedly. I am a slow learner, apparently.
Our beautiful Lenten booklets are talking about release.. I can release busy by setting time each day for small acts of discipline. Walk outside for a moment and breathe. Have a daily affirmation that I use throughout the hours. Begin with the Daily Word. Make a gratitude list. Phone someone because they bring me joy. Eat a healthy snack. Make time for a hug. What practices can you adopt to take very good care of yourself?
You are important. You have come here and now for a sacred purpose - to express the love that you are. Please be good to yourself and listen to your heart, your tears, your body, and the Divine within. You matter. Who you have come to be as an expression of the Christ matters. Share the love with yourself.
Learning and loving as we go,
Rev. Patty