On Sunday I mentioned several books that I have found fabulous. If you want to check them out in the bookstore, here’s the scoop: Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett wrote How to Pray Without Talking to God, and
co-wrote Discover Your Divinity: A Modern Guide to Affirmative Prayer. The inspiring five-page pamphlets, The Golden Key by Emmet Fox, and How I Found Health by Myrtle Fillmore are in New-Rock Hall. Our most precious resource are our 17 Prayer Chaplains, who love to pray with you.
Going into the silence and placing our trust in the abundant love of infinite Spirit is our always available resource. It is a way to hit our reset button and allow our true Self to be our guide instead of our ego. In the stillness, we can remember truth and our divinity. We allow the chaos to fall away. Peace is the truth of our being. To stop and remember we are one with the One allows us to know peace. Prayer is beyond words; it is the experience of feeling the power and presence within our depths. May we treat ourselves to this beautiful knowing each day. Allow yourself to be empowered and in the flow of love.
Listen to a beautiful prayer song by Karen Drucker, called “In the Stillness”
Oodles of love,
Rev. Patty