In February, There Will Be Love and MORE Love

In February, There Will Be Love and MORE Love

As Charles Fillmore explains it: "Love is an inner quality that sees good everywhere and in everybody. It insists that all is good, and by refusing to see anything but good, it causes that quality finally to appear uppermost in itself and in all things."

We have many special activities around the corner. Get your love vibe rolling and join us. Edward’s Prosperity Class begins on February 6th at church. Spirit Groups will start during the first week, also. YEAH!! Expect great joy, music and festivities all month. Sunday, February 9th, will be focused on the gift of music and how it feeds our soul and spirit. We love our music team and all our special musicians and singers. We are indeed blessed every single week. February 16th is Teddy Bear Sunday and the Teddy Bear Picnic. What a great chance to share and fellowship with each other as we reach out with care. Let’s fill up our cute bear den. February 23rd is the annual LOVE IN ACTION FAIR after our service. There is a plethora of possibilities as Mary would say! See if something new is calling to your heart. Let love be your guide.

We will soon begin having informational sessions for those interested in serving on the board. We require board members to take a prosperity class, like the one Edward is facilitating in February. This is important work with a three-year commitment. Our board members meet monthly to keep the facilities and the programming operating smoothly. I invite you to go within and see if Spirit is leading you to consider this. It will stretch your soul.

I close with a quote from Connie Fillmore Bazzy:

“So what is Unity? Unity is a family of loved ones drawn together by their mutual belief in an idea. The idea that holds us is that of a good and all-powerful God whose love indwells us and gives us everything we need to lead healthy, happy, productive lives. This idea and the people who believe it have created incredible blessings of positive thought and prayer in our word.” May we let this idea be expressed in our lives and world.

Much love,
Rev. Patty

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