As we focus on the power of release this month, I am sharing Charles Fillmore’s daily practice that was published in a little booklet called “A Sure Remedy.” Forgiveness is a mighty spiritual practice to release all that is not serving us. Let us continue to release and make room for expressing the great good of love that is the truth of our being. Joy and peace arise as we release.
A Sure Remedy
by Charles Fillmore
Here is a mental treatment that is guaranteed to cure every ill that flesh is heir to:Sit for a half-hour every night and mentally forgive everyone against whom you have any ill will or antipathy.
If you fear or if you are prejudiced against even an animal, mentally ask forgiveness of it and send it thoughts of love.
If you have accused anyone of injustice, if you have discussed anyone unkindly, if you have criticized or gossiped about anyone, withdraw your words by asking him, in the silence, to forgive you.
If you have had a falling out with friends or relatives, if you are at law or engaged in contention with anyone, do everything in your power to end the separation.
See all things and all persons as they really are—pure Spirit—and send them your strongest thoughts of love.
Do not go to bed any night feeling that you have an enemy in the world.
There is an immutable law lying back of this healing method. God is love, and love is manifest as life. When we, by withdrawal from our fellows, in any way cut the cords of love that bind us together as men and women, we, at the same time, sever the arteries and veins through which the universal life flows. Omnipresent Spirit ever seeks to flow into us and to stimulate us in every faculty. We must, however, by our words and acts acknowledge this all-powerful Presence as the moving factor in our life, because each of us has inherent free will, which welcomes or rejects all, including God.
You will be hearing more about forgiveness on Sunday. Until that time, we affirm – "In letting go, I create space and energy for the new."
Peace, Joy and Love,
Rev. Patty