WE continue pondering faith. Daniel will speak on “Faith Lift” on Sunday, so I invite us all to wear the color light blue. Today, I am sharing some words about faith from Emilie Cady, which always fill me with joy. May they also fill your soul.
“Remember this: Desire in the heart for anything is God’s sure promise sent beforehand, to indicate that it is yours already in the limitless realm of supply. And whatever you want you can have for the taking.
Taking it is simply recognizing the law of supply and demand. Affirm your possession of the good you desire; have faith in it (because you are working on law and cannot fail); do not be argued off your basic principle by anyone; and sooner will the heavens fall than that you fail to get that which you desire.
Take hold of God with an unwavering faith. Begin, and continue to rejoice and thank Him that you have (not will have) the desires of your heart, never losing sight of the fact that the desire is the thing itself in incipiency. If the good were not already yours in the invisible realm of supply, you could not by any possibility desire it.” -Lessons in Truth
We are walking together in faith and love,
Reverend Patty