I want to remind us of something. We are one! There is no separation! Are there ways in which we think differently? Of course. Do we need to let these differences divide us? No, we do not. As we head into the heat of summer, we also head into the heat of an upcoming presidential election where people have strong feelings. My only political mantra is – it is your right and privilege to vote. Please take responsibility to vote your conscience.
I am inviting all of us to be gentle with each other, allowing for a difference of opinions and not posting anything on any social media platform or make statements that will move us away from our unity in consciousness. I know people feel strongly about “their candidate.” Our country is divided. I am asking each of us to be more concerned about the love we express than about our political opinions. I am inviting us to live from the truth that we each are expressions of the One in whose image we are made.
The Dalai Lama just turned 89. I offer some of his words for us to ponder. “We have a universal responsibility to change the course of history, to guide it in a more positive direction, a universal order that works for the welfare of the whole of humankind, and all sentient beings. Such a civilization with a heart, a planetary society animated by the deepest values of the human family (selfless love, compassion, kindness, non-harming, sharing, and the elimination of poverty, homelessness, disease, hunger, domestic violence, and weapons of mass-destruction) can become an actuality, even in our lifetimes, if we are willing to work for it. We have this responsibility, both individually and collectively, and this responsibility extends to the whole.”
May the power of our love change the course of history.
With great love,
Rev. Patty