It’s our final week in the power of divine order. We live in an interconnected universe with cosmic principles and powers at work. In the blink of an eye, we can notice connections and recognize it or see it looking back at events. Carl Jung
called this synchronicity; Unity calls it divine order. How marvelous that God the good is ever calling forth energies to match what we need to grow and expand in love.
We can awaken ourselves to an awareness by setting an intention before our feet hit the floor. Today, I will be a channel of grace to all I meet. Today, only good comes to me in delightful and surprising ways. Today, I will follow Spirit’s lead, and I will pause and listen for those nudges.
Jesus was always using examples from nature. We too can notice first the seed, then the sprout, then the flower. All is unfolding in a beautiful and purposeful manner.
What is unfolding in your life, beloveds? Notice and activate the growth and joy around the new thing God is doing. Join the party and dance in the flow. Love is ALWAYS up to amazing things.
Seeing a world of peace, love and connection,
Rev. Patty