Soon we will begin to see God’s glorious autumnal blessings fall upon us: a subtle wisp of cool air in the breeze that whirls the blaze red, yellow and purple leaves into piles along our promenade and garden; and there are those lingering sunny hot days that make us sweat while we rake up those blazing leaves; happy voices of our YFM children celebrating returning to school, and we begin to think about all the wonderful holiday events that are coming.For Unity Church of Bon Air, it is the time for harvest, reflection and gratitude for the blessings that have come to us personally and to our spiritual home.
It is also a time of curiosity for what harvest will bring.UCBA’s most magnificent blessing is you, our congregation and visitors. Together, we create opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth within ourselves and our church.Our whimsical fall opportunity is our annual festival, BOO & STEW. This year it is scheduled for SUNDAY OCTOBER 20, 2024, from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM. Festivities will include savory soups and stews, hot dogs grilled to perfection, freshly popped popcorn, desserts galore, games, hayrides, trunk or treat in our parking lot, fortune telling, cake walks, and bobbing for ducks, just to name a few.This event is a lot of FUN and a lot of FELLOWSHIP AKA many hands make Boo & Stew successful.By now your curiosity is building to a fever pitch! And the Universe is hearing you ask the burning questions with great curiosity … “ I would love to get involved with BOO & STEW but I’m just not sure WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHY?The why part is easy to answer: it is an opportunity to get to know your fellow congregants on a deeper level through sacred service (while having FUN) and a wonderful way to reach beyond the walls of Unity Church of Bon Air to our community.So…herein lies your curious invitation to satisfy those curious questions! Enjoy pizza during fellowship and then come join our planning meeting on SUNDAY AUGUST 25, 2024 @ 12:45 PM IN THE SANCTUARY. This will be a time of finding out which area you are most curious about!