WOW!  We Are Blessed!

WOW! We Are Blessed!

In the spirit of this week, I invite you to contemplate the love that flows in and through UCBA. We have so much for which to be thankful.
Just recently

  • On Nov. 10 we had 115 people in the sanctuary for service. Woo-Hoo!
  • The church was gifted three massage tables for our GISA team to keep here.  
  • SpiritGroups fed lunch to Habitat Builders, helped Furbish stock pet supplies, fed the homeless, cleaned a park, wrote letters to teachers and had a prayer time at the Laurels.
  • Many people put up lights outside and made jewelry.
  • We had a grand turnout to get the leaves up on Sacred Service Saturday.
  • 428  pounds of food was delivered to the food bank. This beat our Spring total of 274 pounds.
  • Aronda is completing 11 years of service as our Christmas Mother.  We had much generous support for our families this year.

I could easily list more events, but you get the idea. Love in Action is happening every day in so many marvelous ways. Connections are happening within and beyond our church walls.  As you celebrate this week, know your love makes a big difference to us and to the world. You are a blessing!
With love and gratitude,
  Rev. Patty

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