Prayer & Support

Prayer HandsAt Unity of Bon Air, everything we do is founded in prayer.  Each meeting and discussion by staff and small groups begins with prayer, and our church leaders use their prayer and meditation times to hold the vision of our ministry.  Unity, as a movement, began very simply with small prayer groups in people’s homes.  The results were so amazing that more people wanted to share the amazing power of prayer with their friends and families.

Prayer is the primary means through which we experience and manifest the One Power and One Presence in our lives. Unity of Bon Air offers several forms of Prayer Ministry. We invite you to use these prayer resources and experience the wondrous Love and Power of God as it flows through us, in prayer.

Unity of Bon Air offers several options for pastoral care and spiritual support.  Reverend Patty, our Prayer Chaplains, and Cares Team are here to support you.  Please use the Contact Us link below to reach out. 

Click here for our Contact Us page:  Contact UBA
Click here for inspiring prayer messages: Prayer Treasures
Click here prayer support through Silent Unity:  Unity Prayer Ministry (Silent Unity)



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