Grand Illumination - Glory Hallelujah!

Grand Illumination - Glory Hallelujah!

It’s official – the season of lights begins now that Thanksgiving is past. WE are having our big party on December 7th, (at 6:30pm) when the gardens come alive with lights and we have children and parents gracing our building with laughter and song.

Lucy and Amy C will be leading us in singing our favorite carols as we delight in hot chocolate and treats. Community, children and chocolate – how does it get any better than that?

Even something more wonderful is happening as we expand our consciousness this season; when we really understand that we ARE the light and we shine the Christ love everywhere we go. Beloveds, I see so many acts of kindness, such tenderness, and our awareness of oneness stretching beyond these walls. With Habitat, with the food collection and the Christmas Mother program, we are touching lives that we do not know personally, but we know we are related to because we are all expressions of the One Love.

May we enjoy the colorful beauty in the gardens and the beauty of the Christ light within our beings, our true identity, as we walk together in this season of lights, beholding the glorious Christ in one another again and again and again.

With gratitude and love,
Rev. Patty

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