Gems from Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett & Charles Fillmore

Rev. Linda repeatedly encouraged us to think of God as principle instead of as a person. This prepares us to claim our divine identity and break the old embedded theology that we need a Savior. Charles Fillmore teaches this same idea. “God is not like a man; God is omnipresent Spirit, accessible just like electricity, just like sunshine, just like air, to your mind, your thought. By principle is meant definite, exact and unchangeable rules of action.”

Another quote that I love. "In prayer, we are cultivating an awareness of who we are, tending the fertile soil of our awareness. We implant statements of truth and allow them to spring up. And the fertile, creative medium - subjective mind - never argues. It produces what we, in faith, affirm. It’s like the soil. When we plant beans, we get beans. We’re not going to get corn. The subjective side of life does not discriminate. It doesn't question. It is our willing servant." (Scott Awbrey, Spiritual Passages)

May our thoughts and our words guide us to the truth of our being-ness as fully human and fully divine, full of infinite possibilities.

Rev. Patty

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