We have a fantastic opportunity for you to bring in the New Year with fellow Unity of Bon Air folks, helping to take down the Holiday decorations on Sunday after the service. Many hands make light work.
It is helpful to do a little reflecting when we put a year to bed. I suggest that we ask ourselves a few questions, and give ourselves some appreciation to see if there is any forgiving to do. Here are a few sample questions to get you started. Invite Spirit’s guidance and wisdom:
What are some of the high points of my year when I followed Spirit’s leading and discovered unexpected blessings?
Create a blessing list.
Give thanks.
Are any incomplete relationships or conversations that would benefit from some heart-sharing?
Do I need to forgive myself or another to regain my sense of peace? Forgiveness is always an inside job and you may not need to discuss this with others.
Are there any thoughts blocking my sense of oneness with my inner Divine like guilt, shame or regret? Anything to release?
Are there any words of encouragement or love that I left unsaid? Are there words of thanks to be expressed to me, my body or others?
Were there difficult moments that gave you insights or brought up emotions to heal? What did you learn or how did you heal?
You are invited to join us on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day to do some of this work with our rituals, whether in person or online. Be transformed and reborn in love.
Reverend Patty and the Board would like you to know that each of you is the heartbeat of this community. We are grateful for the love and energy you bring to sacred service and in participating in our gatherings with your time, talent and treasure. We love you, bless you and see us all doing amazing things as we move into 2023.