Choose Love!

Choose Love!

On a Sunday in March of 2015, I experienced a life changing event in one traumatic instant. For days, weeks, and ultimately months, I hovered between here and there - leaning into the peace and wonder beyond, and yet all the while tethered by a delicate thread to this earthly life.

There’s a name for this kind of occurrence - a Near Death Experience, or NDE. It’s been almost 3 years, and yet only now am I beginning to be able to wrap words around this experience. One thing I know for sure - that thread that kept me connected and showed me the way back to this life is something we all share, and that something is called love. Fragile and flexible, yet unyieldingly strong, love is a choice we make. The NDE has led me to become acutely aware of choosing to stay, and choosing love. As we explore love through February at Unity of Bon Air, I encourage you to do the same. Choose to create, choose to engage, and choose LOVE every single day.

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